
German Shepherds Kennel By Black

Next Level Dog Care
We breed family members and pure happines. We put great emphasis on the quality and health of our offspring.
We are family.

Terry Ad-Gür
Terry was born 2017 and had a first offspring 2020. 8 male and 2 female puppies. 4 of them are qualified breeding dogs

Agent by Black
007 was born 2020, qualified in IGP 3 in 2023 and became a breeding dog in the same year!

A-Blake by Black
Bleky was born 2020, qualified in IGP 2 in 2023 and became a best breeding female on exhibition in the same year

Litter A
8 males & 2 females were born on 2nd of October 2020. Mom: Terry Ad-Gür Father: Gero z Berounske basty: https://www.working-dog.com/dogs-details/5043959/Gero-z-Berounske-basty

Litter B
2 males & 1 female were born on 21st of January 2024. Mom: Terry Ad-Gür Father: Farro Max-Mastr: https://www.working-dog.com/dogs-details/6465695/Farro-Max-Mastr